Happy Pride Month! We’re so proud to be an organization created for and by the LGBTQ+ community. At Housing Works, Pride is more than just celebration. Our relentless advocacy work to ensure the livelihood of LGBTQ+ New Yorkers is as crucial as ever. Since its foundation, Housing Works has always been dedicated to New York City’s LGBTQ community. Our mission remains the same: to end homelessness and AIDS–two issues that disproportionately affect queer people.

Van Dalen’s image used on Housing Works’s first Gay Pride float: a home on wheels. Photographer unknown.

Pride is not only a time for our community to rejoice, but for our voices to be heard as we continue the fight for full liberation for all!. This year, Housing Works will be joining the 3rd Annual Queer Liberation March on June 26th. If you’d like to march with us, click here for more info and to sign up!

Remember that every purchase on the eShop goes towards supporting LGBTQ+ New Yorkers. This includes judgment-free healthcare including sexual health, mental healthcare, and substance use support, job training, housing, and resources for queer youth. Your support is what helps fund our life-saving services and advocacy work! Thank you, and Happy Pride! 

Thumbnail image from NYC LGBT Pride 2018: Housing Works marches with the Resistance contingent and Reclaim Pride Coalition. Photo by Joshua Kristal for Housing Works