Hey there, fabulous folks! Get ready to unleash your pride flags and dancing shoes because Pride Month is here! And when it comes to celebrating LGBTQ+ history and culture, Housing Works is right there in the frontline, day in and day out. But let's be real, we're especially pumped up for the mind-blowing festivities that take over New York City in June! So, join us as we embark on a journey filled with love, joy, and a whole lot of advocacy!

At Housing Works, we've been championing the rights of the LGBTQ+ community since the beginning. We're not just talking about a few fancy events here– we're talking about a genuine commitment that runs deep in our veins. Back in the early 90s, a group of passionate activists came together, fueled by a burning desire for social justice. They rolled up their sleeves, determined to tackle the intersecting crises of HIV/AIDS and homelessness in the Big Apple. And guess what? That's how Housing Works came to be!

We knew from the get-go that our LGBTQ+ family, especially our trans and gender non-conforming peeps, faced unique struggles and discrimination. And we weren't about to stand idly by. Oh no! We made it our mission to provide housing, healthcare, and a shoulder to lean on. But we didn't stop there. We dived headfirst into challenging the systems that perpetuated inequality, because we believe in a world where everyone is seen, heard, and loved for who they truly are.

This year, we're ready to make some serious noise as we team up with the Reclaim Pride Coalition's Queer Liberation March, which sprouted in 2019 as a response to the over-commercialization and watering down of the Pride Parade. We're talking about kicking corporate sponsorships, excessive barricades, and those heavy-handed police vibes to the curb. This is about getting back to our rebellious roots, the spirit of Stonewall, where we demand justice, freedom, and equality!

So, mark your calendars for Sunday, June 25, because we want you right there with us at the Queer Liberation March! Get ready for an epic rally starting at 2PM in the heart of Manhattan's Foley Square, followed by a fierce march at 3:30PM. We'll be rocking our Housing Works gear and raising our voices loud and proud, fighting for the liberation and protection of our trans and gender non-conforming community. We're all about tearing down those walls, breaking barriers, and creating a world where love and acceptance reign supreme!

Oh, and don't you worry, darling! We've got all the juicy details and updates coming your way. Just hop on over to bit.ly/HWQLM2023 and sign up. You'll be the first to know about our fabulous plans as they unfold. Together, we'll be a force to be reckoned with, spreading glitter and rainbows while we dismantle those oppressive systems and celebrate our beautiful diversity.

So, let's make this Pride Month the best one yet! Let's dance, let's march, and let's show the world that love knows no bounds. Housing Works is all about community, empowerment, and having an absolute blast along the way. Come join us, because when we stand together, there's nothing we can't achieve.